March 1

Why do children need puzzles and brain teasers in the early years of development?


Puzzles are something that can affect the mental health of a child incredibly, and research has found that children who grew up without proper form of communication and encouragement to solve puzzles seem to be less smart than those who indulge in complex games and similar aspects.


Most of the time you will come across a few tricky maths puzzles with answers which are two basic and straightforward, these are not designed to grab their attention quickly because they don’t have to think much and it is monotonous to keep solving their things like following a formula. To bring a change in their environment you have to get unique concepts and teasers, and this is possible by looking up some games on various learning websites. Keep reading to learn some advantages;

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  • Improves thinking process;


Think of a puzzle that you have to solve, first you have to observe the question then understand what you have to find, and ultimately skip to the steps of finding an answer. Now imagine that there is no definite formula, and all you can do is use your logic. Sometimes this logic is as simple as common sense, but sometimes you have to think over it.


Let’s consider Sudoku, there are different difficulty levels to it and you can start giving your children the easy level, to begin with. Once they learn how to do it, clicking on numbers and finding the perfect order is not only fun to them, but also educational. This is because their thinking process has a direction now.

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Whenever you look for brain teasers or tricky maths puzzles with answers on LMS, make sure that you save only the ones that are designed to stretch the thinking process of your child’s mind.


  • Keeps a child’s mind active;


In the learning stage, you can observe that a child will come up with multiple questions at one point in time. You should be worried if they are not questioning things. On average a toddler learns to question everything that is around them, beginning from the food that they eat to things that they watch on television. They even copy the behaviors of their parents and turn out to be the way that they are. But most importantly they need to keep their brain active so that they are encouraged to think from different perspectives too. The thinking process is not a straight line, and you cannot motivate them by simply looking up motivational quotes for students on ERP.

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This is where extremely complex and fun brain teasers come in. Other activities can also exercise their mind and keep them active, such as innovative school work that their teacher has assigned, or physical activities which make them learn things quicker. Make everyday household tasks fun by assigning them something very simple in a complex manner, the lesser time it takes for them to figure out how to get the job done, the more advanced their thinking processes become. If you try hard, even our everyday monotonous activities can also be turned into brain teasers!


  • Creativity;


There will be a time when your child is bored of all the memory games and math puzzles you have brought in, and they will start writing their own. When this day comes, know that you have been able to influence your child positively! Being creative is extremely important because when your children do not view schoolwork as something burdening, but fun to do because of their creative qualities, they enjoy education and tend to be more successful in the future.

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  • Better memory power;


Making education fun is one thing, and having good memory power is another, but both of these are interrelated and can be stimulated by increased brain activity. When a child is growing up, they learn about language, numbers, and even complex concepts while being promoted to higher grades. By the time they are five, you should start introducing memory games such as mental math so that they start to learn and retain information better. A good mental capacity indicates that they can use the knowledge obtained from a school in real life by looking for application properties and remembering them through continuous experimentation.

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