February 22

An effective side to manage client side JavaScript Applications


JavaScript is a programming language with a lot of useful features. It is developed around flexibility as you have the ability to do what you want with the language. The dynamic nature of the language would make it the de- facto language for a browser and no doubts to the fact it is one of the popular programming languages in the world.

A reliable feature of this language is immediate parsing. What it means is that the browser would execute a proper code as content is downloaded naturally and provides benefits. But such a level of freedom does have their own set of responsibilities. But with JavaScript protection there is a definite need to have an idea about the risks. It is better to focus upon the front end code that is operational on the server.

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The manner  by which a browser executes JavaScript?

Take into consideration the various steps needed for a browser. Firstly there is a need to be downloading the page and be read with parsing. The browser is not going to wait for anything to download. It does possess the ability to download and parse at the same time. So  what happens when it encounters JavaScript.

JavaScript tends to be render blocking, that has a major benefit during the execution phase. The browser will halt parsing, execution of JavaScript will take first and then you continue. It is known to provide ultimate flexibility in wielding this programming language as the code opens up to numerous types of possibilities. But what would be the implications of such features when you are trying to develop secure Java apps.

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JavaScript and their risks

Tampering and debugging

An application security would provide guidance to all those from OWASP highlights the threats developed by reverse engineering. There may be tampering with the application source code more so in applications that deals with sensitive data or undertake critical applications.

It  is going to be the case with JavaScript centred applications, where it is possible to leverage risks in the form of attacks such as privacy, automated  abuse etc.

Standards and regulations, such as ISO27001, and NIST does mention the risk of having unprotected source code. It goes without saying that organizations have to put strict control measures in place to prevent the possibility of experiencing such type of attacks.

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Pretty much like anyone may use the debugging tool for debugging purposes, an attacker will be able to alter the feature of JavaScript at runtime. An attacker can hit at the break point, and change the DOM. Such a possible attack can exploit the flaws at the client end. An attacker can change the data, hijack the session and arbitrary changes can be made on the page. It is possible to be making the changes on the original code. This means that the attacker can use the software for their personal or monetary gain.


Protection of JavaScript on the client end

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Code protection of JavaScript

Due to the dynamic and flexible nature of the web, to be protecting JavaScript from potential attackers, an ideal option is to resort to runtime protection. The security layer will be protecting JavaScript protection during the execution phase to avoid any form of tampering. Hence it provides an efficient form of protection at the client end applications.

RASP happens to be a security technology, that would be linked on to an application and is capable of dealing with detecting, execution and coping up with real time attacks. The moment JavaScript touches the browser, no way exists of shielding the execution completely. Run time protection will ensure full proof protection against debugging and code the tampering attacks that happens at runtime. It goes on to include attacks which modify the application when it is offline. If the runtime application is good it will obfuscate the code where an attacker would not be able to tamper with the application itself, and they should not simply going around it. Platforms like appselling can guide about the further course of action in such cases.

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Anti- debugging would detect the use of debugging tools. It prevents the debugger from conducting reverse engineering process. It is something that is achieved with code traps or dead objects once the debugging tools stop to work as it makes the call stack to grow. This would prevent the user from inspecting the control flow of the app. An anti- tampering code changes and reacts in an appropriate manner.

Protection at client side

A JavaScript code source would be relying on the use of open source components that would accelerate the process of development. Most of the websites end up running the third party scripts. The real aspect of using all these external forms of code, is that the client end attacks is going to increase drastically

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As the traditional form of security measures do not address the security issues at the client end, to address the  growing threats companies would require complete control and validity at their end. Operation at a full time level, would address the behaviour of every single script and what it means is that since it injects more code. A concise inventory of the web scripts is necessary along with the network requests that they end up doing. If the rule engine is powerful it would provide a granular control over each of the script. It is automatically going to disallow tampering with code on the web page. It goes on to access the password on the log in form and getting in touch with some type of domains.

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To sum up things JavaScript ends up using more of the web, and this includes web pages that handles sensitive data. Even it is a natural dynamic language of the web that was developed for flexibility but it does have some issues from a security point of view. Pretty much like a double edged sword you need to ward off this responsibility as what happens at runtime is vital.


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{"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}