March 15

6 Proven Guidelines for Writing a Compelling Blog Post Title in 2021



Writing an excellent blog post title is a crucial aspect of content marketing. After all, your blog post title is the first point of contact with your readers, and it can make or break your chances of attracting a broader audience. You want to make sure that your title is compelling enough to catch the reader’s attention, while at the same time, it should accurately represent the content of the post. In this blog post, we will guide you through six proven tips that you can use to write a compelling blog post title in 2021.

Section 1: Understand Your Audience

One of the essential considerations when writing a blog post title is to know who your target audience is. Conduct market research, define your ideal readers, determine what they are searching for, and what keywords they might be using to find the content they want. By doing so, you will be able to craft a title that resonates with your readers, which is why it’s crucial to use words and phrases that your target audience are familiar with to get them hooked.

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Section 2: Choose the Right Keywords

When writing your blog post title, keywords must be incorporated into it, as they play a significant role in attracting potential readers. Long-tail SEO keywords are essential in today’s digital landscape, as they help your content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERP). Therefore, it’s recommended that you include them in your blog post title, as this can help drive clicks to your content.

Section 3: Keep It Short and Sweet

A good blog post title should be short, sweet, and to the point. A lengthy and wordy title is unlikely to capture a reader’s attention. Consider the fact that people’s attention spans are decreasing by the day – they want to know what they’re getting into in a few words. Keep your title under 60 characters, if possible.

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Section 4: Make It Informative

Your title should give readers an idea of what they can expect to find in your blog post. Avoid using clickbaity headlines that overpromise and underdeliver. Stick to providing information that can be beneficial to the reader. Use informational keywords like “How”, “Why”, “What”, or “Tips” in your blog post for better results.

Section 5: Use Power Words

Power words or emotionally charged words can help you to create a sense of urgency, enthusiasm, or importance which can help your title stand out from the crowd. Examples of power words include “proven,” “secret,” “incredible,” or “amazing.” Be careful not to use hyperbolic words like ‘amazing’ for a boring content piece just for the sake of it, as this can mislead your readers.

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Section 6: A/B Test Your Headlines

Finally, A/B testing is essential when it comes to crafting a compelling blog post title. Running two different versions of your title to see which one performs best can be an effective way to optimize your content for clicks.


Q1: What is a keyword?
A1: A keyword is a word or phrase that users enter into a search engine when looking for information on a particular topic.

Q2: How many keywords should I include in my blog post title?
A2: It’s recommended to include no more than two long-tail SEO keywords in your blog post title to avoid keyword stuffing.

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Q3: What are power words?
A3: Power words are emotionally charged words that can help you to create a sense of urgency, enthusiasm, or importance in your blog post title.

Q4: How do I know if my title is too long?
A4: Generally, blog post titles should be no more than 60 characters to avoid getting truncated in search engine results pages.

Q5: Do I need to include the exact keyword in my title?
A5: No, you don’t need to include the exact keyword in your title. Instead, use synonyms of the keyword to make it appear more natural.

Q6: Why is A/B testing important?
A6: A/B testing is vital as it allows you to find out which version of your blog post title is generating more clicks and traffic.

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Now that you have learned six proven guidelines for writing a compelling blog post title in 2021, it’s time to put them into action. Remember to keep your title short, informative, and relevant to your readers’ interests. Don’t forget to use power words and long-tail SEO keywords to make your title stand out, and use A/B testing to optimize it for clicks. By following these tips, you’ll be able to attract more readers to your blog and elevate your content marketing strategy. Lastly, don’t forget to include a call-to-action to encourage your readers to take action, whether it’s subscribing to your blog, downloading a free resource, or leaving a comment.

READ MORE:  "The Art of Writing Catchy Blog Titles: Proven Tips for Improved Visibility and Engagement"


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